PAINTING HACK: How to get less bleeds with blue painters tape


How to get less bleeds when using painters tape

I recently re painted my downstairs and I have a really tall stairwell that I am not ready to re paint so I need to cut my new paint off. We also have bullnose corners so I had to stop the paint where the corner actually wraps around the the wall I won't paint, I know it seems weird but it truly looks the cleanest from an angle.

This paint hack is great for cutting paint lines off for different rooms or would be perfect when doing multiple colors on one wall.

Apply your painters tape as you normally would

Take the color that is BEHIND your tape and apply a small amount along the tape line. This helps seal the tape to the wall and also fills in any spot that might have bleed.

When that is dry paint the color you are paining as you normally would

Remove your tape before the paint dries completely

You should be left with a super crisp line that has minimal to no bleeds! I have found if you overlap the tape you may still get a bleed 

If you have any questions about this build please leave me a comment or DM on Instagram and I'll be more than happy to answer it!

There is always a project to do so I hope you follow along on my social media accounts where I share my life as a Mom of 3 and all things DIY Home! 

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Thank you for being here with me!


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